The 15th Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop
September 16-19, 2024, Virginia Beach, Virginia

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2022 Corporate Sponsors

Purpose: In situ mass spectrometry (MS) in a wide variety of harsh environments-from outer space to Earth's oceans to battlefield scenarios-is rapidly becoming a reality. There are many common features to MS deployment in these vastly different conditions, including high reliability, small size, and low power requirements. The Harsh-Environment MS Workshop will encourage interaction among those interested in deployment of mass spectrometers in various harsh environments.

Technical Program: Talks and posters for the Harsh-Environment MS Technical Sessions will be selected primarily for their focus on making mass spectrometer components and systems rugged and portable; interfacing mass spectrometers to the environment; autonomous sampling strategies; unattended operations; adaptive sampling; data processing and communications; enabling technologies; and miniaturization.

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The Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Society, Inc. is a Public Charity under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code.