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Presented Talks (Abstracts)
3rd Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop
"Novel Mass Spectrometric Approaches
to the In situ Chemical Analysis of Galactic and Cometary
Dust Particles"
Jack Beauchamp, Daniel E. Austin, Thomas J. Ahrens
(California Institute of Technology)
Analysis of the chemical composition of cosmic dust particles
offers a challenge for mass spectrometry. Particles of
interest range from high velocity galactic mineral grains
to cometary debris comprising frozen volatiles. A variety
of different approaches have been taken in the past to
analyze such particles in the space environment. Considering
the performance and limitations of earlier instruments,
we have designed and tested a novel compact impact-ionization
time-of-flight mass spectrometer for analysis of cosmic
dust, suitable for use on deep space missions. The instrument,
Dustbuster, incorporates a large target area with a reflectron,
simultaneously optimizing mass resolution, particle detection,
and ion collection. Dust particles hit a 65-cm^2 target
plate and are partially ionized by the impact. The resulting
ions, with broad energy and angular distributions, are
accelerated through a modified reflectron, focusing ions
of specific m/z in space and time to produce high-resolution
mass spectra. The cylindrically symmetric instrument is
10 cm in diameter and 20 cm in length, considerably smaller
than previous in situ dust analyzers, and can be easily
scaled as needed for specific mission requirements. Laser
desorption ionization of metal and mineral samples embedded
in the impact plate has been used to simulate particle
impacts for evaluation of instrument performance. Mass
resolution in these experiments ranged from 60-180, permitting
resolution of isotopes. Instrument performance has been
further verified using high-velocity (2-12 km/s) particles
produced by a 2 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. We are now
conducting additional impact experiments using micron-sized
ice particles to simulate cometary debris. This work was
supported by a grant from NASA's Planetary Instrument
Definition and Development Program (PIDDP). [Reference:
Austin, D. E.; Ahrens, T. J.; and Beauchamp, J. L. (2002)
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 73(1), 185-189.]
"Mass Spectrometers in Deep Space
Paul Mahaffy, Hasso Niemann, Dan Harpold (NASA/ Goddard
Space Flight Center)
Mass spectrometers have been included in the payloads
of several deep space missions over the past three decades.
Our laboratory has designed and developed mass spectrometers
for the Galileo Probe into the atmosphere of Jupiter,
the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, the Cassini Orbiter Mission
to Saturn, the Cassini/Huygens Probe Mission to Saturn's
moon Titan, the Nozomi Mission to Mars, and most recently
the CONTOUR comet nucleus flyby mission. Each mission
has required attention to miniaturization, autonomous
sampling, and consideration of the special hazards and
measurement requirements of the target environment. Development
ongoing in our laboratory includes further miniaturization,
improved performance in the areas of sensitivity and precision
for the important isotope measurements, and adaptation
for the unusual environments to be encoutered in locations
such as the surface or subsurface of Europa or Mars. Various
aspects of both the technical implementation of these
delivered and planned experiments and the science drivers
will be described.
> program
"Quadrupole Ion Trap
Mass Spectrometry for Space Shuttle Ground Support"
Andrew Ottens, W. Harrison (University of Florida);
Timothy Griffin (Dynacs Inc.);
William Helms (NASA/ Kennedy Space Center)
From the beginning of the Space Shuttle program, mass
spectrometers have been employed as cryogenic fuel monitoring
instruments. As part of ground support equipment (GSE),
these systems sample and analyze the atmosphere within
the Space Shuttle during launch preparations. Launch controllers
are provided with a graphic representation of hydrogen,
helium, oxygen and argon concentrations within the nitrogen
purged aft (rear) of the Orbiter and are able to detect
and quantitate the magnitude of a cryogen fuel leak. These
systems have performed well through the years, having
detected numerous leaks; however, NASA is investigating
new technology as part of a continual effort to improve
the safety of manned space flight. Transfer lines up to
400 feet long are currently used to transport sampled
gas from the Space Shuttle to the mass spectrometer systems.
Because the transport tubing is excessive long, a sample
can take as long as 45 seconds to reach the analyzer.
One of the most critical points of launch is the starting
of the cryogenic fueled Main Engines, occurring six seconds
prior to liftoff. A leak developed during this time will
not be detected due to the time lag between sampling and
analyzing the environment within the Space Shuttle. To
remedy this, NASA is pursuing miniature rugged mass spectrometer
technology to be mounted up close to the Space Shuttle.
This will not only reduce the time lag between sampling
and analyzing, but will also provide greater detail of
the environment within the Space Shuttle. This is accomplished
through the use of numerous mass spectrometers, compared
with the limit of two currently used. As part of this
effort, a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer (QITMS)
has been designed to perform trace analysis of hydrogen,
helium, oxygen and argon within a nitrogen background.
The QITMS is a well-known tool for organic, environmental,
and biological analysis, yet this is the first QITMS designed
to monitor and quantitate permanent gases as small as
hydrogen and helium. Commercial QITMS hardware and software
has been modifyed as necessary to analyze these species.
The resulting quantitative performance of the QITMS will
be reviewed. Although the current prototype is considered
compact rather than miniature, the potential for miniaturization
of a second-generation QITMS will be discussed, along
with additional topics pertaining to the operation of
a QITMS instrument for this application.
"Test of the a Miniature Double-Focusing
Mass Spectrometer for the Variable Specific Magnetoplasma
Rocket (VASIMR) at the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory
Jorge Diaz (Universidad de Costa Rica); Franklin
Chang-Diaz (Director, ASPL and Astronaut, NASA/Johnson
Space Center); Jared P. Squire, Verlin Jacobson, Greg
McCaskill, Andres E. Mora Vargas (ASPL- NASA/Johnson Space
Center); Henry Rohrs, Rajiv Chhatwal (Mass Sensors, Inc.)
The test of a miniature double focusing mass spectrometer
with just 8mm of radius was performed at the Advance Space
Propulsion Laboratory (ASPL) from Johnson Space Center
(NASA). The experiments were conducted to provide residual
gas analysis capabilities and single ion monitoring to
the VX-10 vacuum chamber where NASA's new plasma propulsion
system: the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
(VASIMR) is being developed. The miniature mass spectrometer
tested is an alpha version of the Integrated Leak Detector
System (ILD 50) developed by Mass Sensors Inc. and is
a smaller version of the original CDFMS prototype (r =
20mm) developed at the University of Minnesota . The unit
demonstrated its usefulness for both residual gas analysis
and single ion monitoring, achieving almost its theoretical
resolving power of 40 @FWHM and designed mass range of
50 Da. The mass spectrometer was able to continue operational
even when the short pulses of plasma were being generated.
> program
"Regolith Evolved Gas
Analyzer (REGA): An Instrument to Characterize the Martial
Soil Mineralogy and Atmospheric Composition"
John H. Hoffman (University of Texas at Dallas)
The Regolith Evolved Gas Analyzer (REGA), a high temperature
furnace, soil handling/metering system and mass spectrometer
instrument, for measuring and determining the reactivity
and mineralogical composition of soil samples was develop
for a future Mars lander mission. REGA would provide key
mineralogical and reactivity data that is needed to understand
the soil chemistry, to identify locations of possible
ancient life on Mars, and to determine potential hazards
to human explorers and equipment. REGA is capable of conducting
measurements directly on soil samples which include: mass
spectrum analysis of evolved gases from heated martian
soil samples from Mars ambient temperature to 900?C, and
identification of liberated chemicals, e.g. oxygen, sulfur,
chlorine, and fluorine. REGA is also capable of long term
chemical and isotopic composition monitoring of the martian
atmosphere. The REGA instrument consists of four primary
components: a flight proven mass spectrometer, a high
temperature furnace, a microprocessor, and a soil handling
system. Soil samples are gathered by an external arm containing
a scoop or drill. A sample is place in the inlet orifice
where the fines are sifted into a metering volume and
subsequently dropped into a crucible placed under the
metering volume. A movable arm then places the crucible
in the furnace. The furnace is closed sealing the inner
volume containing the crucible from the martian atmosphere.
A heating cycle is initiated. As the soil sample is heated
through a programmed pattern, the gases evolved at each
temperature are passed through a transfer tube to the
mass spectrometer for analysis and identification. The
REGA Mass Spectrometer (MS) is a double focussing magnetic-sector
mass spectrometer. Major components of the instrument
are a transfer tube from the furnace or the atmospheric
gas inlet, an inlet valve and microleak, an ion source,
an electrostatic analyzer, a magnetic analyzer and two
ceramic electron multipliers, one each for the high and
low mass ranges. Gases to be analyzed pass into the ion
source though the microleak. The ionizing electron beam
is produced by thermal emission from one of two small
tungsten filament; the second filament is for redundancy.
The filament and associated electronics each require 1
watt of power. Alternative cold electron sources are being
investigated. The ion source is controlled by a microprocessor.
Two emission currents (20ľA and 200ľA) and four electron
energies (from 20eV to 75eV) can be selected. This capability
extends the mass spectrometer's dynamic range by a factor
of 10. It also provides extra information on the molecular
constituents and atomic species, by varying their cracking
patterns and charge states. For example, CO2 spectrum
has very high mass peaks at (besides the parent peak at
44 Da) 28 Da (CO), 22 Da (doubly charged CO2), 16 Da(O)
and 12 Da (O). Using 22 eV electrons, all dissociated
peaks are below 1 % of the parent. This extended dynamic
range and additional information on molecular constituents
will facilitate and greatly simplify analysis of the mass
spectrum data. The REGA system parameters along with data
from sample test runs will be presented.
"The NEPTUNE Project: An Interactive
Earth-Ocean Observatory at the Scale of a Tectonic Plate"
John Delaney (School of Oceanography, University
of Washington)
The NEPTUNE project will deploy a submarine cabled network
on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off the U.S. and Canadian
west coasts. Using fiber-optic/power cable and junction
boxes, this plate-scale ocean observatory will establish
a linked array of undersea observatories by providing
significant amounts of power and an Internet communications
link to sensors and sensor networks on, above, and below
the sea floor. NEPTUNE's goal is to enable real-time,
long-term, plate-scale studies in the ocean and earth
sciences. The network may also serve as a unique test
bed for sensor and robotic systems designed to explore
other oceans in the solar system. NEPTUNE will focus on
a broad range of scientific inquiries ranging from research
involving microbial productivity from the oceanic crust
related to deformation and volcanic eruptions in a plate
tectonic framework, to abroad array of earthquake and
tsunami-related issues, to tracking fish migration, to
observing sediment transport, to monitoring carbon fluxes
related to air-sea exchange and primary productivity in
the upper ocean, including earthquake generated outgassing
of subduction complexes. Hard-wired to the Internet, NEPTUNE
will enable a new generation of ocean and earth science
to be conducted for decades from instrument arrays immersed
in the dynamic environments within and beneath our oceans.
It will also bring real-time data and imagery into the
laboratories, classrooms and living rooms connected to
the Internet. For the first time, the public will be able
to electronically watch over the shoulders of oceanographers
and geoscientists as they explore the time domain within
the ocean basins of our planet.
> program
"Underwater Mass Spectrometers:
Some Critical Engineering Issues"
Harold F. Hemond, Richard Camilli (Massachusetts Institute
of Technology)
The designer of an underwater mass spectrometer faces
a set of engineering trade-offs that involve power consumption,
vacuum system capacity, analyte flow, time response, mass
range, resolution, precision, detection limits, and depth
capability. In this paper we first discuss a set of engineering
approaches and models that have been found helpful in
the design of the NEREUS system, and are believed to be
generally applicable to other underwater instruments.
Secondly, we focus on the design of sample inlet systems,
and on means of limiting the power consumption of a mass
>spectrometer that must operate for extended periods on
battery power. As one example, detailed design of the
highly-efficient emission regulator used on NEREUS and
applicable to many instruments using EI ionization will
be presented.
"Underwater Mass Spectrometers
for Detection of VOCs and Dissolved Gases"
Gottfried Kibelka, Tim Short, David Fries
(Center for Ocean Technology, University of South Florida)
We have developed and deployed mass spectrometry systems
that are capable of autonomous underwater operation for
chemical analysis. Our primary focus is to analyze coastal
marine waters for natural and anthropogenic organic compounds
and gases. The high spatial and temporal resolutions of
the underwater mass spectrometer (MS) systems has been
used to monitor and map chemical distributions in harsh
environments. The underwater mass spectrometers are housed
in separate pressure vessels that are connected in series
for deployment The front vessel serves as the sampling
system and contains a peristaltic pump and a 4 port valve.
Sample water and charcoal cleaned sample water are alternately
pumped into the hollow fiber membrane in the central vessel
by switching the valve. The central pressure vessel contains
the MS itself, a membrane probe, the turbo molecular/drag
pump and a Card PC. The back vessel contains two dry diaphragm
pumps in series that serve as backing pumps for the turbo
molecular/drag pump. This approach allows us to evacuate
the diaphragm-pump pressure vessel at the beginning of
each operation, which extends the endurance of continuous
operation to longer than a week. Battery powered deployment
duration is currently limited to two hours for the ion
trap and four hours for the quadrupole MS. All parts can
be activated and controlled via Ethernet from an external
computer. For gaseous compounds and very volatile organic
compounds, an Inficon Transpector quadrupole residual
gas analyzer is used. In various experiments, the analyzer
was used to monitor dissolved gasses in shallow marine
thermal vents and to monitor volatile organic compounds
in wastewater influent, water plant and rivers. For trace
compounds and pollutants, a Varian Saturn 2000 ion trap
analyzer is used to attain higher sensitivity and the
optional advantages of MS/ MS systems. The underwater
ion trap system has been used to detect plumes of volatile
organic compounds in Tampa Bay water. For differing tasks,
both underwater MS systems have been used in moored, towed,
tethered and autonomous underwater vehicle configurations.
> program
"Mass SURFER Field Mass Spectrometer
System for Deep Ocean and Planetary Lander Applications"
Gary McMurtry [School of Ocean and Earth Science
and Technology (SOEST), University of Hawaii, and Pacific
Environmental Technologies], Steven J. Smith (Jet Propulsion
We are currently developing two low-power, miniature
mass spectrometer-based field-sampling systems-- a "standard"
and CE (capillary electrophoresis)-enhanced version--
called Mass SURFER (Mass Spectrometer Using Rotating Fields
for Exploratory Research). The units incorporate the Rotating
Field Mass Spectrometer (RFMS) developed at JPL. The current
marine prototypes are housed within a 6.5-in. OD pressure
vessel, 5.5 feet long that are capable of 2000+ m depth
deployments. For planetary applications, we can greatly
reduce the size and weight of these vessels. The system
components comprise an aquatic-based sensor head, vacuum
system, pressure case and associated electronics. Natural
fluids, including seawater and brines, with their load
of dissolved gases can be directly injected into a submersible
vacuum chamber via a nano-electrospray interface (ESI).
The ESI is an on-line capillary nozzle capable of high-sensitivity
mass spectrometry at nanoliter per minute flow rates.
Mass SURFER vacuum levels need only be at the milli-torr
level for a quality measurement, and the complete system
draws <10 watts when active. The RFMS mass resolution
of 1 part in 1000 is comparable with the best of other
small mass spectrometers. Its extremely large analytical
mass range (from 1 to >100,000 amu) coupled with "soft"
ionization techniques make it capable of analyzing practically
anything from H2 and He gas to large dissolved organic
compounds such as proteins, peptides and DNA. The Mass
SURFER's high sensitivity and low power requirements allow
remote, automated, in situ monitoring of dissolved gases,
solutes and microbial populations via protein profiling.
Future plans, which include analysis of aqueous volatiles
and large dissolved organic compounds in deep-ocean hydrothermal
vents and cold seeps, as well as NASA projects on the
Moon, Mars, and the Jovian moons, especially targeting
Europa, will be presented. This work is funded by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) via
the State of Hawaii's National Defense Center of Excellence
for Research in Ocean Sciences (CEROS).
> program
"Multisensor Data Integration
and Adaptive Sampling Strategies for an Autonomous Underwater
Mass Spectrometer"
Richard Camilli, Harold F. Hemond (Massachusetts Institute
of Technology)
Marine environments can present the challenges of vast
spatial extent and highly dynamic environmental states.
These factors, combined with the limited communication
bandwidth usually available to a maneuvering underwater
platform will often necessitate that autonomous decision
and control processes be employed when studying these
partially observable systems. We examine the concept of
using real-time chemical data from an underwater mass
spectrometer operating onboard an autonomous underwater
vehicle (AUV), in concert with data from other sensors
commonly used on these robots, for the purpose of pattern
recognition and for providing effective adaptive sampling.
This strategy is implicitly useful for a host of applications
including concurrent and feature-based mapping, improving
acoustic and magnetic sensor data interpretation, direction
of chemotactic searches, and adaptive control of mass
spectrometer scanning. A pattern recognition system within
a layered control architecture is described for use with
the NEREUS underwater mass spectrometer and the Odyssey
autonomous underwater vehicle.
> program
"Mapping and Monitoring Complex
Chemical Components in Ambient Air using Fast GC/MS and
Multivariate Data Analysis"
Henk Meuzelaar, Neil S. Arnold (University of Utah)
Considering the fact that the precise composition of
many ambient environmental (air, water, soil) or industrial-process
related samples represents a snapshot of the interaction
of multiple chemical and physical reactions and transport
phenomena, not unlike those encountered in a wide variety
of molecular separation techniques, the ability of spatially
and/or temporally distributed sample series to add new
analytical dimensions should not come as a great surprise.
From a multivariate analysis point of view one can simply
look at the mass spectra or gas chromatograms of complex
mixtures as the more or less linear sums of spectra or
chromatograms representing individual mixture components.
As long as one has a large enough set (i.e. the number
of spectra or chromatograms should exceed the number of
individually varying compounds or compound suites) of
spectra or chromatograms in which the relative contributions
of the target compounds or compound suites vary substantially
it then will often be possible to numerically extract
the profiles of the individual mixture components and
determine their relative concentrations [Windig et al.;
Chemometrics and intelligent Systems, 1, 151-165, 1987].
Although the procedure is simplified and quantitative
analysis is more readily possible if the spectra or chromatograms
of the individual mixture components are known, this is
by no means an immutable requirement. This argument applies
irrespective of whether one happens to be dealing with
series of mass spectra representing two or more incompletely
separated chromatographic peaks or with series of spectra
(or chromatograms) representing fluctuating mixture concentrations
in the field. Besides the relative ease with which temporally-
or spatially-resolved measurement dimensions can be added
when using fast, repetitive and/or distributed analysis
modes, a particularly attractive characteristic of spatially
and temporally distributed chemical and physical measurements
in the field is that they often represent processes and
trends with which the operator is already quite familiar,
e.g. natural pollutant dispersion processes or industrial
process trends. This helps make the novel information
provided by these ancient analytical dimensions intuitively
meaningful and transparent to an operator with limited
training in analytical chemistry. Finally, it is well
recognized that the inherently poor transmission of optical,
microwave and radio signals in U/W environments severely
limits the use of the kind of stand-off spectroscopic
techniques for rapid area mapping which have been so spectacularly
successful in astronomy and space science. Consequently,
the new generation of fast, miniaturized, multidimensional
point detectors (including a wide range of MS-based techniques),
promises to provide a powerful alternative, whether deployed
as fixed-grid distributed sensor systems or on fast roving
(robotic and/or remotely controlled) platforms.
Jack Syage, Brian Nies, Rick Harkewicz (Syagen
Technology, Inc.)
This talk reports on a fast gas chromatograph, time-of-flight
mass spectrometer (GC/TOFMS) for man-portable field use.
The complete system is designed to meet performance, size,
weight, power, cost, and ruggedness requirements for a
laboratory in the field. The core technology is also adaptable
to specific applications including real-time point detection
for hazardous chemical releases (e.g., chemical weapons),
for biological agent signature identification, and for
mobile monitoring platforms (e.g., air, ship, truck).
In this talk we present recent progress in integrating
a low-power, high-speed GC and show the capability for
accurately recording fast GC transients for targeted compound
detection using a photoionization (PI) source coupled
to a quadrupole ion trap, time-of-flight (QitTof) instrument.
The system specifications are 40 lb weight, 2 cu ft. size,
and 150 W of power consumption. The instrument records
mass spectra at nominally 60 Hz (USA) making it suitable
for fast GC. The GC is temperature programmable and can
cycle typical samples in 120 to 240 s. Preliminary GC
measurements gave baseline resolution with peak widths
of about 1 s and detection limits of about 20-100 ppb
and 10-50 pg. We also present results on a pyrolysis/GC
front end showing distinct signature peaks for biological
bacteria and spore detection. This work is being supported
by the U.S. Army for chemical/biological defense.
"Portable Double-Focus
Mass Spectrograph with Multymembrane Inlet"
Olga Viktorova, Viktor Kogan, Sergey Manninen (A.
F. Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St. Petersburg,
Portable Mass Spectrometer is designed for direct permanent
autonomous in situ analysis of mixture's composition in
real time scale. Small size and weight, low consumption
of the instrument and high sensitivity to organic compounds
allow to utilize it for environmental investigation or
technological control outside the laboratory. Simple design
and small permanent magnets that require no power at all
make static Mass Spectrometer attractive for miniaturization.
Mass Spectrography Mode gives the best results due to
possibility of monitoring of several compounds simultaneously.
Software package of numerical simulation allowed to calculate
the ion-optic scheme of the original Double-Focus Mass
Spectrograph with curved magnet outline. This scheme supplies
high dispersion and small sector angle of the magnet for
the heavier masses. A number of volatile and semivolatile
organic compounds have a high permeability through the
silicone membrane in comparison with the nature matrix
(air, water) permeability. Based on this property the
multymembrane inlet was created. It allows to increase
the sensitivity of Mass Spectrometer for organic impurities
in air million times more. Multimembrane inlet system
involving consecutively disposed membranes (N>2) enriches
sample with compounds effectively in MS selective analysis.
Double-Focus Mass Spectrograph with Multymembrane Inlet
is a real prototype of the portable instrument.
"Addressing Forensic Field
Analytical Chemistry Issues"
Brian A. Eckenrode, Valerie Cavett (Forensic Science
Research Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation); Philip
A. Smith, Gregory Kimm, Gary Hook (Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, Department of Preventive
Medicine and Biometrics); Erin Sherry (The George Washington
University, Department of Forensic Sciences)
The FBI's laboratory division hazardous materials response
unit and other operational units within the FBI require
rapid and reliable chemical analyses in the field to improve
their overall response strategy and effectiveness. Gas
chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS)
is a mature and proven analytical technique that provides
court defensible data. Raman spectroscopy is advancing
quite rapidly in the amount of information that can be
gleaned in a non-intrusive fashion and the commercial
instrumentation is becoming much smaller. Ion mobility
spectrometry (IMS) is another technique that is proven
for its sensitivity. Hand-held polymeric-based sensors
are being used more and more as initial screening tools
for investigators. Visualizing chemical species via alternative
light sources and hyperspectral imaging is on the forefront
of investigative research. Each of these techniques can
be field deployed; however, the use of these systems in
the field, including exercising the available sample inlet
methods, requires further development. We will present
data from a new GC design that is small, lightweight,
and has low power requirements for eventual GC/MS field
systems. We have explored the use of field Raman systems
and will present our results from these evaluations. Also,
we have experimented with the use of solid phase microextraction
(SPME) interfaced to an IMS for the analysis of headspace
organic mixtures including chemical warfare agents. The
practice of "temperature programming" is routinely done
by changing the temperature of the oven containing a GC
capillary column and heating the circulating air within
it. This novel GC design does not require a convective
approach to column heating. This new low thermal mass
(LTM) column heating design has a high thermal efficiency
toroidal wrap that can be programmed at high speed while
maintaining low power consumption. We will present data
on the use of this column in a conventional GC oven versus
that with the LTM GC on a mixture used as a performance
test for chemical warfare treaty verifications. Mass spectrometric
parameters such as sampling time, scan rate, and library
matching capability will be evaluated for several different,
mostly high, ramping rates. The development of a field-portable
battery-operated Raman system enables the application
of this non-intrusive technology to analytical measurement
situations requiring reliable identification of potentially
hazardous materials in the field. Evaluation of these
instrument prototypes will provide feedback necessary
for these instruments to develop into systems useful for
on-site characterization of materials relevant to public
or personnel safety and security issues. Trace detection
of smuggled money has been difficult and current methods
rely on the use of canines. With the large number of entry
points and the problems with canines such as exhaustion
and maintenance, an improved methodology for screening
incoming cargo is required. This research is designed
to identify the VOCs and Semi-VOCs for targeted detection
and identification in a rugged, field-portable system
that is simple, sensitive, specific, and rapid. SPME will
be used as a sampling front-end for chemical warfare-related
compounds followed by IMS and/or GC-MS detection.
"Detection of Microorganisms
with MS: Field-Portable Instrumentation and Innovative
Franco Basile, Angelo Madonna, Kent J. Voorhees
[Colorado School of Mines (CSM)]; Stephen Lammert (Oak
Ridge National Laboratory); Brian Musselman, Vladimir
Doroshenko [Science & Engineering Services, Inc. (SESI)].
Abstract: The detection of biological warfare agents
on the field is a challenging problem. Our research efforts
in the last 17 years have contributed to the development
of the Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer (CBMS) for
the US Army. The CBMS detector is a field-portable MS
system based on a quadrupole ion-trap mass analyzer and
a sample pre-processing unit. The entire unit is about
5.8 cubic feet, weights 170 lb, operates at 24 Vdc at
less than 500 W. The sample pre-processing unit consists
of a high efficiency impactor (optimized for 2-10 mm particles)
and a thermal reaction chamber. Collected microorganisms
from bioaerosols are enriched in this chamber and thermally
hydrolyzed and methylated to produce specific biomarker
molecules, a process that takes place in under 10 seconds.
Subsequent mass analysis of these molecules produces biomarker
fingerprints that are characteristic to that microorganism.
A more detailed description of the sample pre-processing
step as well as the ion trap MS hardware will be presented
for the latest version of the CBMS block II system. In
addition, new directions and approaches in biodetection
with MALDI-MS will be presented. Briefly, affinity separation
techniques are coupled with MALDI-MS analysis for the
detection of bacteria in complex environmental/biological
mixtures. Examples will be shown where these new methodologies
are coupled with an atmospheric-pressure MALDI-MS instrument
in order to simplify future hardware designs for field-portable
> program
"Design of a Novel Miniature
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer for High Throughput Medical
Ben Gardner, Robert English, Robert Cotter (Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine)
Our laboratory has been developing a series of mid-resolution
miniature MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers for the detection
of biomarker signatures. Applications benefiting from
these devices include high throughput biological screening
assays and real-time biological weapons detection. As
we continue to decrease the overall size of our designs,
several fundamental parameters become increasingly important
to achieving suitable resolving power. Examination of
these fundamental parameters has led us to a novel design
having potentially greater performance than is possible
with conventional linear TOF instruments. In this presentation
we will discuss the fundamental improvements required
for enhanced performance and our current progress in implementing
this new design.
> program
"Fieldable MALDI-TOF
Bioaerosol Analysis System"
Wayne A. Bryden (Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory)
The mass spectrometer is known as the most powerful laboratory
analytical tool for analysis of a broad spectrum of chemical
and biological materials. The applicability of mass spectrometers
to field detection problems has been quite limited given
the large size, heavy weight, and prohibitive power requirements
of the instrumentation. DARPA has funded a program at
JHU-APL with the objective of integrating new and emerging
mass spectrometer technologies into a highly sensitive,
broadband detection system suitable for use in a field
setting The matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization
(MALDI) technique has revolutionized biological mass spectrometry.
Using this technique in the laboratory, large molecules
(particularly proteins) can be employed as signatures
biological materials. These signatures have been used
with the proper algorithms to identify microorganisms.
The DARPA funded system is being developed to carry this
technology into the field in a package with low logistics
burden and capable of being operated by lightly trained
personnel. The system has demonstrated rapid classification
and identification of a variety of bioaerosol components
including bacteria (both spores and vegetative cells),
viruses and toxins. The biodetection system include an
optimized time-of-flight mass analyzer; an automatic collection
system for transport of concentrated airborne particle
samples into the mass analyzer; an automated analytical
methodology; and automated signal processing, decision
aids and data displays. This system is applicable to the
rapid (<5minute) detection of airborne microorganisms
in a mixed environment.
> program
"Miniature Mass Spectrometers and
Front-End Interfaces"
Ara Chutjian, Murray Darrach, Otto Orient (Jet Propulsion
Laboratory/California Institute of Technology); Paul Holland
(Thorleaf Research, Inc.)
Mass spectrometers (MSs) are workhorse instruments on
practically every robotic mission to planetary objects
in our solar system. As long-duration human flight to
other planets is planned, one also needs to monitor a
cabin atmosphere over a period of several years against
the toxic buildup of gases. Miniaturized MSs and front
ends (gas chromatographs, liquid interfaces, drills, etc.)
are needed in these harsh environments. Robustness and
reliability are required, and mass, power, and volume
are at a premium (especially for missions to the outer
planets, including Pluto). We will present work carried
out in the JPL Atomic and Molecular Collisions Group and
at Thorleaf Research on (1) miniaturization of a quadrupole
mass-spectrometer array (QMSA), which has been aboard
the International Space Station since 2/01 to monitor
possible leaks of cabin air, ammonia, and hydrazines in
low-earth orbit; (2) a miniature hyperboloidal Paul ion
trap; (3) a miniature front-end gas chomatograph and preconcentrator
for use in complex gas mixtures, and modular to the mass
spectrometers in (1) and (2). Properties of the systems
will be discussed, such as resolution (0.03-0.8 amu, FWHM),
sensitivity (10^12 to 10^14 counts/torr-s) flow rates,
and pumping. The limits to resolution and sensitivity,
and the utility of building even smaller MS systems, will
be discussed. This work was carried out at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, and was
supported under contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
"Evaluation of Small
Mass Spectrometer Systems as Candidates for the Development
of Miniature Mass Spectrometer Systems"
Richard Arkin, Timothy Griffin (Dynacs Inc.);
Andrew Ottens (The University of Florida); Jorge Diaz
(Universidad de Costa Rica); Duke Follestein, Fredrick
Adams, William Helms (NASA/ Kennedy Space Center)
There is an ever increasing need for smaller mass spectrometer
(MS) systems. Smaller MS systems are generally more easily
transported, less expensive, operated in more diverse
environments, and allow real-time analysis. Such systems
have many potential applications such as environmental
analysis, process monitoring, and hazardous chemical detection.
At Kennedy Space Center there is a need for small, point-sensor
MS systems for a variety of tasks. Such tasks include
the monitoring of hazardous gases around the Space Shuttle
prior to launch, the detection of toxic vapors, such as
hypergols, and process control of a fuel production plant
on Mars. Several types of small MS systems are evaluated
and discussed, including linear quadrupole, quadrupole
ion trap, time of flight and magnetic sector. The performance
of each system in terms of accuracy, precision, limits
of detection, response time, recovery time, scan rate,
volume and weight is ascessed. A performance scale is
setup for each test category in order to rank the systems
and an overall rank is given to each system.
> program
"Miniature cylindrical
ion trap mass spectrometry"
Jeremy Moxom, William Whitten, Peter Reilly, Michael
Ramsey (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
The development of miniature ion trap mass spectrometers
is being driven by many new applications, such as, autonomous
underwater vehicles, planetary probes, monitoring air
quality in spacecraft and field portable mass spectrometers
for the detection of BW/CW agents. Miniaturization of
the trap electrodes to sub-millimeter sizes significantly
reduces the working voltages and pumping requirements,
resulting in a substantial reduction in size and power
consumption compared to a conventional instrument, without
a significant degradation in overall performance. The
cylindrical traps used in the present work are also more
easily constructed and are more compatible with micro
fabrication techniques than conventional hyperbolic traps.
The higher order field components present in such devices
can also result in improved performance. The stability
diagrams of cylindrical traps with r0 = 0.5 mm have been
studied when an axial modulation is applied to the end
caps of the trap. Ion ejection from normally stable trajectories
was observed when the ion secular frequency was approximately
that of a nonlinear resonance of the trap. The resonances
are attributed to electrical as well as geometrical considerations.
Under these conditions, both the peak height and the mass
resolution of the resulting mass spectrum are found to
"A LIGA Fabricated Two-Dimensional
Quadrupole Array for High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy"
Nosang V. Myung, Otto Orient, Kirill Shcheglov,
Beverley Eyre, Dean Wiberg (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Microfabrication of high precision two-dimensional quadrupole
array (3 X 3) is currently in progress at JPL using the
LIGA processing. The target detection range for the miniaturized
mass spectrometer is 1 to 300 atomic mass units (AMU)
with a resolution of 0.5 AMU Mass spectrometer is one
of most frequently flown instruments for planetary aeronomy
studies. Development of small and portable high precision
in-situ instrument are greatly needed for human environmental
monitoring, geochronology, and atomspheric characterization,
which is also coincide with NASA's goal of having "faster,
better, cheaper" space mission. LIGA processing is combination
of x-ray lithography using synchrotron radiation, electroforming
(electrodeposition), and plastic molding to fabricate
a high precision device. It contains two distinct electrodeposition
steps. One is the electrodeposition of gold onto a mask
substrate to serve as the x-ray absorber during synchrotron
exposure and the other is the deposition of actual device.
By controlling electrodeposition parameters and solution
compositions, homogeneous, low-stressed, and dense gold
mask (20 to 50 micron) was electrodeposited from gold
sulfite baths to silicon substrate (100-200 micron) to
provide an adequate contrast ratio. 3 mm tall polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA) was precisely patterned and developed
by controlling the filter thickness, energy dosage and
time. Then copper was electrodeposited to PMMA mold from
acid sulfate bath. Metrology studies were also conducted
to determine the dimensional precision of the quadrupoles.
"Concept for a Miniaturized
Confocal Plane Mass Spectrometer using Micromachined Detector
Adi Scheidemann (Intelligent Ion, Inc.); Mahadeva
Sinha (Jet Propulsion Laboratory); Bruce Darling (University
of Washington)
The concept of a miniaturized Mattauch-Herzog mass spectrometer
will be described; scaling laws governing miniaturizing
magnetic sector mass spectrometer will be addresses and
the pros-cons of the Mattauch-Herzog concept versus quads
and ToF will be discussed. A DRIE based Faraday cup detector
array will be compared to and an electro optical ion detector.