HEMS Workshop
- 4th Workshop 2003
- Program/ Presentations
Abstract submission
- 3rd Workshop 2002
- Program/ Presentations
Participants (pdf)
- 2nd Workshop 2001
- Program (pdf)
- Presentations
Participants (pdf)
- 1st Workshop 1999
- Program (pdf)
- Miniature Vacuum Pumps
- 1st
Workshop 1999
"Airborne Deployment of the Aerosol
Mass Spectrometer during the ACE-Asia Field Campaign"
Jose Jimenez, Roya Bahreini, Richard Flagan, John H. Seinfeld
(California Institute of Technology); Haflidi Jonnson (Naval Postgraduate
School); John Jayne, Douglas Worsnop (Aerodyne Research)
The Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) has been recently developed
to provide real-time quantitative measurement of aerosol size
and chemical composition over the 50 nm to 5 micron diameter size
range. The AMS was deployed inside the CIRPAS Twin Otter airplane
during the ACE-Asia field campaign. This was the first aircraft
deployment for this type of mass spectrometer. The AMS operated
unattended, and collected data successfully during most Twin Otter
flights (15 out of 19). The main challenges encountered in this
deployement and the strategies used or planned to overcome them
will be described. The ACE-Asia field experiment was designed
to characterize how particles emitted in eastern Asia (China,
Korea, and Japan) affect climate through both direct and indirect
radiative forcing. The submicron aerosol was present in discrete
layers about 0.5-1 km deep, separated by layers with much lower
aerosol mass concentration. Sulfate was a major aerosol component
during all flights, and its size distribution was remarkably constant
days and atmospheric layers. Ammonium, nitrate, and organics were
also observed in the aerosol.
> program
"Microfabrication of Cylindrical
Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer Arrays"
Tim Short, David Fries, Gottfried P. G. Kibelka (Center
for Ocean Technology, University of South Florida); Himani Peddanenikalva,
Shekhar Bhansali (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University
of South Florida)
Recent interest in cylindrical ion trap (CIT) mass spectrometers
[1-3] stems primarily from the ease with which the cylindrical
geometry can be miniaturized and fabricated as compared to the
hyperbolic surfaces found in conventional quadrupole ion trap
mass spectrometers. Since the rf voltage needed to eject a given
mass/charge ion scales as the square of the ion trap radius, a
decrease in ion trap dimensions provides a significant reduction
in electronics requirements, thereby providing a pathway for overall
system miniaturization. A drawback of ion trap miniaturization,
however, is a severe reduction in sensitivity due to decreased
ion storage capacity. Higher ion capacity can be achieved by assembling
an array of identically sized CITs, thus improving overall sensitivity
[4]. Key factors in optimizing the performance of CIT arrays are
the uniformity of CIT dimensions (e.g., hole size and shape) and
flatness of endplates and transmission grids (if used). Microfabrication
techniques can be used to provide excellent uniformity of holes
and structures through, e.g., photolithography techniques and
batch fabrication processes, leading to the possibility of low-cost
high-performance CIT-array devices. We will present progress in
the design, fabrication and testing of CIT arrays using two separate
microfabrication approaches. One approach involves deep reactive
ion etching (DRIE) of silicon to form arrays of "ring electrode"
holes and endplate structures. These structures will be metallized
to create conducting surfaces and then bonded, with insulating
layers between them, to form monolithic CIT array devices. A separate
approach uses micro-electric discharge machining (micro-EDM) of
metal plates to form the "ring electrode" and endplate structures,
and subsequent bonding with insulating layers to form the CIT
arrays. A key feature in both designs will be use of microfabricated
endplates that provide high transmission rigid grid-structures
for each CIT of the array. This construction should optimize electron
and ion transmission into and out of the CIT, while providing
high-quality electric field definition within each CIT.
References: 1. J. Mitchell Wells, Ethan R. Badman, and R. Graham
Cooks, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 438-444, 1998.
2. Oleg Kornienko, Peter T. A. Reilly, William B. Whitten, and
J. Michael Ramsey, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 70,
No. 10, pp. 3907-3909, 1999. 3. Ethan R. Badman, Rudolph C. Johnson,
Wolfgang R. Plass, and R. Graham Cooks, Analytical Chemistry,
Vol. 70, No. 23, pp. 4896-4901, 1998. 4. Ethan R. Badman and R.
Graham Cooks, Analytical Chemistry, Vol 72, No. 14, pp. 3291-3297,
2000. Financial support for this project was provided by the U.S.
Army, Space and Missile Defense Command to the University of South
Florida through grant DASG60-00-C-0089.
> program
"Adaptation of a commercially
available RGA for use onboard the ISS"
Norbert Mueller, Roman Sonderegger, Daniel Vogel (Inficon
AG, Liechtenstein); Carlos Pereira (HTS AG, Switzerland)
A residual gas analyzer (RGA) was developed for the Material
Science Laboratory - Vacuum Gas System (MSL-VGS) onboard the ISS
to determine krypton leakage in sealed cartridges before and during
vacuum metallurgy experiments. Krypton leakage is an indication
of rupture of the cartridges which may contain dangerous chemicals
such as arsenic and thus the RGA is a central safety component
of the metal processing facility. The RGA also allows composition
analysis of off-gases and by products prior to release to the
ISS vacuum lines. A commercially available RGA (PRISMA QMS 200)
was selected and adapted as it offers several advantages as e.g.:
a) Due to the large number of systems manufactured already (several
thousands), all problems that may show up with more prototype
like systems have been overcome already, b) based on a standard
system, the instrument could be developed at a reasonable price,
c) the instrument had flown on a previous shuttle mission and
several parabolic flights. The adaptations of the standard parts
for use in space included special fixation of all mechanical and
bigger electronics parts to withstand the enormous forces during
launch on board the space shuttle, replacement of flammable and
dangerous components and special coating of all electronics boards.
For mounting, transportation, dust tightness, depressurization
and heat management a special housing was designed. Flight and
test systems are completed and final tests have been performed
so that the units can be transported to and installed in the International
Space Station. The design of the instrument as well as all necessary
adaptations and the results of performance tests will be presented.
> program
"Miniaturized GC/MS Instrumentation:
MEMS-based Gas Chromatography Coupled with Miniature Quadrupole
Array and Paul Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers"
Paul M. Holland, Ara Chutjian, Murray Darrach, Otto Orient
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Miniaturized chemical instrumentation is needed for in situ measurements
in planetary exploration, spaceflight applications, and other
extreme environments. Here, factors such as small size and enhanced
robustness are important. In response to this need, we are developing
miniaturized GC/MS instrumentation which combines chemical separations
by gas chromatography (GC) with mass spectrometry (MS) to provide
positive identification of chemical compounds in complex mixtures
of gases, such as those found in the International Space Station's
cabin atmosphere. Our designs utilize MEMS-based micro gas chromatography
components coupled with either a miniature quadrupole mass spectrometer
array (QMSA) or compact, high-resolution Paul ion trap. Key design
issues include high sensitivity, good MS resolution (0.5 amu FWHM
or better), low power, robustness, low GC flow rates to minimize
vacuum-pumping requirements, and the use of a modular approach
to adapt to different environments. Among the potential applications
for such instrumentation are in situ detection of astrobiology
signatures (using air sampling or ground-drilling techniques),
planetary aeronomy, and monitoring of cabin air during long duration
human flight. This work has been carried out in part at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, and
was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
> program
"Dual Source Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
and Sample Handling System"
William B. Brinckerhoff, Timothy J. Cornish, Johns Hopkins
University/Applied Physics Laboratory); P. R. Mahaffy (NASA/Goddard
Space Flight Center)
We present details of an instrument under development for potential
NASA missions to planets and small bodies. The instrument comprises
a dual ionization source (laser and electron impact) time-of-flight
mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) and a carousel sample handling system
for in situ analysis of solid materials acquired by, e.g., a coring
drill. This "DS-TOF" instrument could be deployed on a fixed lander
or a rover, and has an open design that would accommodate measurements
by additional instruments. The sample handling system (SHS) is
based on a multi-well carousel, originally designed for a comet
mission. Solid samples, in the form of drill cores or as loose
rock chips or fines, are inserted into the SHS through an access
port, sealed in vacuum, and transported around the carousel to
a pyrolysis cell and/or directly to the TOF-MS inlet. Samples
at the TOF-MS inlet are xy-addressable for laser or optical microprobe.
Cups may be ejected from their holders for analyzing multiple
samples or caching them for return. Samples are analyzed with
laser desorption and evolved-gas/electron-impact sources. The
dual ion source permits broad studies of elemental, isotopic,
and molecular composition of unprepared samples with a single
mass spectrometer. Pulsed laser desorption permits the measurement
of abundance and isotope ratios of refractory elements, as well
as the detection of high-mass organic molecules in solid samples.
Evolved gas analysis permits similar measurements of the more
volatile species in solids and aerosols. The TOF-MS is based on
previous miniature prototypes at JHU/APL that feature high sensitivity
and a wide mass range. The laser mode, in which the sample cup
is directly below the TOF-MS inlet, permits both ablation and
desorption measurements, to cover elemental and molecular species,
respectively. In the evolved gas mode, sample cups are raised
into a small pyrolysis cell and heated, producing a neutral gas
that is electron ionized and pulsed into the TOF-MS. (Any imaging
and laser microprobe studies would necessarily precede the pyrolysis
step to assure that the grain-scale composition is captured.)
Details will be given on the DS-TOF operating modes envisioned
for various in situ measurement objectives on asteroid and Mars
missions. Initial results from the laboratory breadboard effort,
including recent analyses of various calibration samples, SHS
sealing mechanisms, and vacuum system requirements (for Mars)
will be presented. The authors acknowledge the contributions of
A. Cheng, H. Niemann, D. Harpold, D. Yucht, S. Rafeek, S. Gorevan,
S. Ecelberger, T. McCoy, E. Vicenzi, and G. Managadze. Support
is provided by NASA Grant NAG5-10693.
> program
"Real Time Volcanic Gas Monitoring
Station using "In-Situ" Mass Spectrometry at Irazu Volcano"
Jorge A. Diaz (Universidad de Costa Rica); W. Ronald Gentry,
Clayton F. Giese (University of Minnesota); Eduardo Malavassi,
Erick Fernandez, Eliecer Duarte [Observatorio Vulcanologico y
Sismologico de Costa Rica (OVSICORI)]; Juan Valdez [Laboratorio
de Quimica de la Atmosfera (LAQAT), Universidad Nacional]
Following the research on volcanic monitoring using field-portable
mass spectrometers presented last year's at the HEMS 2001 workshop
, we describe the operation of the first real time MS based gas
monitoring station in Costa Rica. The station is located at Irazu
volcano ans is the first step of an attempt to establish a network
of mass spectrometers designed to provide reliable and continuos
information on the gas geochemistry of the volcanoes and its role
to forecast volcanic eruptions . The systems used are described
together with the first data collected.
> program
"Ion Trap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Moving Toward Fieldable Systems"
Anthony D. Appelhans, J. E. Olson [Idaho National Engineering
and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)]
In the event that chemical weapons are released somewhere in
an urban area of the United States how will it be determined that
the area is decontaminated to the point it can be opened to the
public? Chemical weapons in an urban environment present unique
challenges to decontamination and characterization because once
released they are partitioned between different physical and chemical
states, which dictate their mobility, toxicity, and susceptibility
to treatment. CW's in the vapor state can be readily dispersed
to non-toxic concentrations, are highly susceptible to environmental
degradation, and the technologies for detecting them in the gas
phase are relatively mature. However, adsorption on solid surfaces
presents a difficult challenge for both detection and decontamination,
because many CW's can bind tightly to a surface, resisting extraction
or degradation, and can change form into equally toxic compounds
while on the surface, confounding detection technologies tuned
only to the agent compound. So, once the air has cleared, and
the volatile components have dispersed, how is it determined if
there remain on the surface, the steps, the handrails, the benches,
a tightly bound concentration of agent, or equally toxic byproducts
of the environmental or intentional degradation of the agent.
Ion trap secondary ion mass spectrometry (ITSIMS) has been applied
for detecting and characterizing trace levels of a variety of
complex compounds on surfaces. In most cases the goal is simple
detection and chemical identification. Past experience has demonstrated
that levels down to 0.001 monolayer can be detected on many type
of environmental samples such a soil, leaves, minerals, and concrete
. In previous studies involving the detection of the nerve agent
VX on different substrates it was noted that the degradation of
the VX was highly dependent upon the substrate. For sandy soils
degradation was extremely slow (months), while for concrete samples
the degradation was extremely rapid (hours). For obvious reasons
the lifetime of such compounds on different surfaces is an important
factor in making operational decisions in the field, and thus
there is impetus to develop field transportable systems. This
presentation will summarize our current progress in development
of field transportable ion trap SIMS.
> program
"The Improved Teeny-TOF Mass Spectrometer
for Chemical and Biological Sensing"
Scott A. Ecelberger, Timothy J. Cornish, Wayne A. Bryden
(Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
A miniature, low voltage, reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer
has been developed and tested on a series of compounds ranging
in mass from a few hundred Da to over 50kDa. The design employs
a small and commercially available 10 l/s pump, a 140uJ nitrogen
laser, and fiber optics to deliver the laser energy. A gridless,
focusing ion source is operating at 4.5kV, the ruggedized reflector
is rolled from a flexible circuit board and encased in fiberglass,
and the detector has an improved anode that reduces ringing commonly
found in coaxial designs. The first prototype is currently being
tested for its use in chemical and biological threat detection.
> program
"Multimembrane Inlet System for
Mass Spectrometry Analysis"
Olga S. Viktorova, V. T.Kogan, A. K.Pavlov, Y. V. Chichagov
(A. F.Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia);
B. M. Dubenskii, S. P. Parinov (AOZT "Analytic," St.Petersburg,
Russia); A. G. Vitenberg (St.Petersburg State University, Russia);
T. Kotiaho (Helsinki University, Finland); R. Ketola (VTT Chemical
Technology, Helsinki, Finland)
The simulation and experimental tests of the Multimembrane Inlet
System that consists of consecutively positioned sheet silicone
membranes are described. The original multimembrane inlet supplies
preconcentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from inorganic
matrices (air, water) during an unstable process of sample injecting
into the ion source of a mass spectrometer. The results indicate
that silicone membrane of 25-30 micrometers thickness allows to
approuch an enrichment effect of compounds from matrices by designed
inlet system to the maximum of magnitude (for unlimited thin membranes).
Our multimembrane inlet system were used for the determination
of organic and inorganic compounds in air samples. The effect
of preconcentration is >100 000 by 3-membrane inlet system. The
possibilities of using of multimembrane inlet system for environmental
application are discussed.
> program
"A High-Performance Handheld Gas
Conrad M. Yu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Gas chromatography is a prominent technique for separating complex
gasses and analyzing relative quantities of each separate component
in the blend. This analytical technique is popular with scientists
in a wide range of applications, including air and water pollution
and chemical and biological analysis. Today, one of the hot topics
in the analytical instrumentation community is the need to move
analysis away from the laboratory to where samples ("the field")
are. The need to do this is fueled by the need for quicker real
time data collection and lower analysis cost. Our recent improvement
on a Handheld Gas Chromatograph is developing a sample pre-concentrator
unit and related electronics to improve the detection capability
of trace chemical components in air. The hand-held, real time
detection gas chromatograph (GC) prototype unit was developed
earlier at the Micro-Technology Center of Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory by means of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS)
technology. The total weight of this hand-held gas chromatograph
is about 8 lbs. and its physical size is 8" x 5" x 3". It consumes
about 12 watts of electrical power and has a response time on
the order of two minutes. At present, the new detector is a Glow
Discharge detector with a sensitivity of parts per billion. The
average retention time is about 30 to 45 seconds. Under optimum
condition, the calculated effective plate number for the MEMS
silicon column is about 40K. The separation column in the portable
GC is fabricated completely on silicon wafers. Silicon is a good
thermal conductor and it provides a uniform temperature for the
whole column together with the possibility of rapid heating and
cooling of the column. The operational temperature can be as high
as 350 degrees Celsius (maximum column coating temperature). The
GC system is capable of rapid column temperature ramping and cooling
operations. These capabilities are especially important for organic
and biological analyses in GC applications.
> program
"Detection of 'Unknown Agents' in Harsh
Environments using a Newly Developed Ruggedized Mass Spectrometer"
Kevin J. Hart, Irene F. Robbins, Marcus B. Wise, Wayne
H. Griest, Stephen A. Lammert, and Cyril V. Thompson (Oak Ridge
National Laboratory)
A new, ruggedized and integrated detection system for chemical
and biological agents has been developed for use in field analysis.
The analyzer employed in this instrument is a custom designed
ion trap mass spectrometer capable of using air as the buffer
gas with complete electronic control and off-line data analysis
software. System components have been selected for radiation tolerance
and special circumvention circuits were designed to rapidly de-power
the system upon detection of a nuclear event. The vacuum system
includes a turbo pump that was tested to ensure it could operate
without failure when exposed to vibrations and sudden changes
in orientation that might be generated by the target vehicle platforms.
The additional pumping speed obtained using this pumping strategy
not only permits the system to clear itself more quickly than
previous systems that were based on ion getter pumps but also
allows the system to use chemical ionization reagents to increase
chemical selectivity. The instrument is equipped with a mode-select
valve to provide rapid selection of one of three sampling systems:
a vapor detection line for volatile chemical agents, a ground
sampling system for liquid chemical agents and a unique aerosol
concentrator/pyrolysis system for biological agents. The primary
focus of this work has been the development of highly specific
and reliable detection schemes for the most likely threat agents.
Also of concern are agents that have not been prioritized and
may include new designer agents that have been chemically modified
from those typically found in the inventories of armies around
the world. Additionally, toxic industrial chemicals that may be
released during the course of a battle represent a potential chemical
threat to soldiers in the field. This presentation will focus
on the development of this instrument as a rugged chemical and
biological agent detector and discuss its application to the problem
of detection of "unknown" chemical agents in harsh environments.
> program
"A Rugged and Compact Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for
Fast and Sensitive Leak Detection"
Marc Gonin, Katrin Fuhrer, Michael Ugarov, Val Vaughn,
Steve Ulrich, Michael McCully, Albert Schultz (Ionwerks, Inc.)
A compact Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer is being developed
for air leak detection during the space shuttle start. The main
challenges for this application are speed, sensitivity, dynamic
range, and ruggedness. We made several approaches to address these
issues for a compact TOF prototype. A rugged, filament-less ionizer
has been developed, based on a surface desorption process. Advantages
and current limitation of this ionizer are discussed. The sensitivity
of a TOF is principally limited by the saturation of the Micro-channel-plate
detector, which can handle only a few million counts per second.
An approach to overcome this limitation for this application is
discussed. Further a detector scheme is presented which allows
to obtain a dynamic range of 10^6 per second with a time-to digital
> program