HEMS Workshop
- 4th Workshop 2003
- Program/ Presentations
Abstract submission
- 3rd Workshop 2002
- Program/ Presentations
Participants (pdf)
- 2nd Workshop 2001
- Program (pdf)
- Presentations
Participants (pdf)
- 1st Workshop 1999
- Program (pdf)
- Miniature Vacuum Pumps
- 1st
Workshop 1999
"The Technical Issues Associated
with Highly Miniaturized Vacuum Systems"
Phil Muntz (University of Southern California)
Vacuum pumps for miniaturized instruments must be reliable,
have an appropriately small size, and have a power consumption
or energy requirement consistent with the associated instruments.
All non-capture pumping systems exhibit a trade-off between
the volume or mass flow of the working gas and the pumping pressure
ratio; at what point this balance is struck depends on the pump
and, in the present context, on the relative weighting between
the constraints on pump volume and power consumption. Attempts
to date have shown that it is extremely difficult to provide
microscale or even mesoscale vacuum pumping systems satisfying
projected volume and power constraints; reliability has hardly
had a chance to surface as an issue . First of all, it is already
clear that there will have to be a significant, continuing dialog
between instrument and pump designers; it will be essential
to identify carefully the minimum pumping requirements that
will satisfy the particular scientific purposes of each application.
The subject of appropriate volume and energy performance indicators
for meso- and microscale vacuum pumps will be discussed. Typical
values of these indicators for conventional macroscale vacuum
systems are compared to projected requirements of meso- and
microscale instruments. The scaling suitabilities of several
conventional vacuum pumping technologies to meso- and microscale
are discussed. One result of the scaling analyses is that there
is an apparent need to develop unconventional phenomena for
application as meso- and microscale vacuum pumping technologies.
Estimated values of the volume and energy performance indicators
for several unconventional technologies will be presented. The
presentation will conclude with a brief summary of the major
technical issues confronting the successful achievement of meso-
and microscale vacuum pumping systems, that will be compatible
with meso- and microscale instrumention.
"Meso-Scale Scroll Pump Array Fabricated
using LIGA Technology for Portable, High-resolution Mass Spectrometer"
Beverley Eyre, Kirill Shcheglov, Otto Orient, Nosang
V. Myung, Dean Wiberg (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
A scroll pump is a pump whose action requires planar, rotary
movement of two intelocking and complimentary Archimedian Spirals.
In the initial position a volume of gas is trapped in the outer
ring of the scroll, and as the inerlocking spirals move relative
to each other the gas is compressed and pushed in towards the
center of the spiral. When the gas reaches the center, it is
pushed out of a hole, and the motion starts again with a new
volume of gas. A scroll pump array is being built at JPL consisting
of nine individual scrolls. Each scroll has an approximate diameter
of one centimeter with a varying wall thickness as the walls
spiral in towards the center. The precise matching of the complimentary
sidewalls and the target dimensions of this device make it a
good candidate for fabrication by LiGA technologies. The sidewalls
of the scrolls will be approximately 3mm in height, and must
be straight to within a very fine tolerance. This requires special
filtering to achieve the necessary top to bottom dose ratio
in during the exposure step of the LiGA process. The exposures
for this device have been done at three synchrotron radiation
sources around the country: The Advanced Light Source at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, The Standford Synchrotron Radiation
Laboratory, and the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven
National Laboratory. The differences in these three light sources
and the results in exposing ultra-thick PMMA will be discussed.
"Performance Analysis for
Meso-Scale Scroll Pumps"
Eric Moore, E. Phillip Muntz (University of Southern
California); Francis Eyre, Nosang Myung, Otto Orient, Kirill
Shcheglov, Dean Wiberg (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
The scroll pump is an interesting positive displacement pump
that is currently being investigated as a potential micro-scale
backing pump. The pump uses a circular motion with pairs of
fixed and orbiting scrolls to form a peristaltic pumping action.
As the moving scrolls follow an orbital trajectory, pockets
of trapped gas that continuously decrease in volume are forced
along the fixed scrolls, eventually reaching the center and
being discharged. A complete scroll pump can be defined by one
fixed scroll and one orbiting scroll. In most scroll pumps an
Archimedes spiral is used to determine the shape of the fixed
scrolls. For the orbiting scrolls an Archimedes spiral 180°
out of phase relative to the fixed scrolls is used. The scrolls
typically have from a few up to ten turns about their origins.
As the number of turns increases so does the compression ratio
of the pump. The pump being studied has two and a half turns.
It is intended to be used as one stage of a multi-stage roughing
pump for a meso-scale turbo molecular pump, in order to provide
the vacuum system for a mobile, sampling mass spectrometer.
Governing equations for the meso-scale scroll pump have been
developed, taking into account the losses, due to leaks, of
trapped gasses as they are transported from the pump inlets
at the outer perimeter of the scrolls to the centrally located
discharge port. A modeling of energy losses in the scaled pumps
is also included. The main purpose of the paper is to present
and apply a size scaling analysis; in order to determine if
a multi-stage, meso-scale scroll pump can operate with sufficient
efficiency to meet the specifications for the sampling mass
spectrometer's pumping system. The modeling includes arbitrary
numbers of cascaded pump stages.
> program
"The Knudsen Compressor as an Energy
Efficient Micro-Scale Vacuum Pump"
Marcus Young, E. P. Muntz, G. Shiflett (University of Southern
California); A. Green (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
The Knudsen Compressor suggested by Pham-Van-Diep et al and
demonstrated by Vargo et al is a modern version of the original
thermal transpiration compressor described by Knudsen in 1910.
The Knudsen Compressor can be applied as either a vacuum pump
or compressor for gases. A single stage of a Knudsen Compressor
is comprised of a transpiration membrane, with pore diameters
such that the gas flow in them is in the rarefied regime, and
a continuum connector section, with a diameter such that the
gas flow in it is in the continuum regime. A temperature gradient
is applied across the transpiration membrane, driving the flow
from the cold to the hot side of the transpiration membrane
due to thermal transpiration. The temperature is then returned
to its original value in the connector section where the flow
is in the continuum regime and no thermal transpiration takes
place. This process is repeated for many stages until the required
pressure difference is achieved. Earlier investigations on the
MEMS Knudsen Compressor have indicated that there are several
interesting potential applications of the Knudsen Compressor
because it has no moving parts and requires no lubricants or
supplementary working fluids. One of these applications, a micro-scale
roughing pump for MEMS based sensors such a mass spectrometers,
optical spectrometers, and gas chromatographs, will be discussed.
The practical low and high-pressure pumping limits of the MEMS
Knudsen Compressor have been previously identified as 10 mTorr
and 10 atm, respectively. This indicates that the Knudsen Compressor
can operate as a roughing pump for micro scale instruments from
above atmospheric pressure down to 10 mTorr. It was concluded
in the earlier work that the low-pressure stages of the Knudsen
Compressor use the largest amount of energy, indicating that
they require special considerations. Using a transitional flow
model, an investigation was conducted into optimizing the Knudsen
Compressor configuration to minimize the energy consumption
of the low-pressure stages. Possible modifications for the low-pressure
stages of the MEMS Knudsen Compressor operating as a roughing
pump have been identified and will be discussed. Estimates of
the effects of the modifications on the pumping performance
of the Knudsen Compressor at low pressures have been estimated.
One such modification is to etch carefully sized capillaries
into the aerogel transpiration membrane to optimize the flow
Knudsen number in the transpiration membrane pores. Another
primary concern, efficiently transitioning from the capillary
section to the connector at constant temperature will also be
"MEMS-based Low-Flow Meters"
Tom Tsao, Fukang Jiang, Edward Chiu (Umachines, Inc.)
MEMS-based pressure, flow, and temperature sensors are well
suited for monitoring gas flows in applications where system
and component volume and weight are critical. Additionally,
MEMS sensors can be very effective in measuring the low flow
rates and volumes associated with small sample sizes. These
combined factors make it worth investigating the use of such
sensors for harsh-environment mass spectrometry applications.
Umachines has developed generic pressure, flow and temperature
sensors for a wide range of applications and environments, ranging
from supersonic air flow across leading edges of airplane wings
to oil flow in the harsh (pressure and chemical) environment
existing 2 miles underground. Umachines has also customized
both sensor and packaging technology specifically for use in
space-based low flow (< 10 sccm) mass flow meter. The mass flow
meter consists of three pieces: a sensor chip, a channel chip,
and fluidic connections. The sensor chip consists of 5 clusters
of sensors, with each cluster containing one shear, one temperature,
and one pressure sensor. Both pressure and shear measurements
are used because it was uncertain which measurement would prove
superior. Temperature measurements were used to provide any
needed temperature compensation. These sensors are all fabricated
monolithically within the same process. The core technologies
upon which Umachines flow sensors are based is surface micromachining.
More specifically, various thin films are deposited, patterned,
and then etched to form the desired structures. The pressure
sensor measures absolute pressure using piezoresistors (arranged
in a Wheatstone bridge configuration) sitting atop a nitride
diaphragm covering a vacuum cavity. The shear stress sensor
is a thermal sensor - a resistor sitting atop a vacuum cavity,
which is used to provide thermal isolation and improve sensitivity
by orders of magnitude compared with resistors sitting atop
solid substrates. This thermal sensor is typically biased in
a constant temperature mode for greatest sensitivity. The temperature
sensor sits atop the substrate, not over a vacuum cavity, because
the overall system temperature is a composite of the flow temperature
and substrate temperature. Thermal isolation distorts this composite
and skews the result. The channel chips can either be micromachined
using deep reactive ion etching or can be conventionally machined
using precision tools. One of the most difficult elements in
packaging the final devices is the flow interconnection, which,
if done incorrectly, can lead to contamination of the system.
Experimentally, each sensor in a system needs to be well calibrated.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed should such a device
enter mass production. Our system has been tested for flows
ranging from 5-100 sccm nitrogen, with a sub sccm resolution.
Both pressure and shear stress measurements have been confirmed
to work well, although using pressure drop appears to be a simpler
method. Upon further experimentation and packaging improvement,
field deployment is possible.
"The Issues Limiting Large-scale Commercialization
of Miniature Vacuum Systems"
Peter Kardok (Alcatel Vaccum Products, Inc.)
The presentation, prepared from a demand perspective, defines
the issues affecting the commercialization of miniature vacuum
systems. Counter to electronics technology, moving on a steady
path toward miniaturization, vacuum systems have made only modest
gains in this direction. Most vacuum systems use roughing pumps
larger than 0.5 cfm and high vacuum pumps greater than 7.5 l/s.
This presentation will address the reasons behind these facts
and the requirements for change. A review of the vacuum pumps
world market and the major applications within each market will
be presented. Analysis of this information will be used to reveal
the reasons why "large" pumps are used (eg. outgassing rate,
gas flow or substrate size) resulting in an estimate of the
actual current market for miniature vacuum systems. This market
review points to analytical instrumentation as the primary market
for miniature vacuum systems. This market is significant in
size however, miniature vacuum systems may be limited to portable
instruments. Additionally, the presentation will outline potential
future applications for miniature vacuum systems and describe
some of the hurdles to overcome for these products to gain wide
acceptance. Such hurdles include limited availability of associated
miniature vacuum components. (eg. miniature gauges, flanges
and fittings)
"Development of Turbomolecular
Pumps for Demanding Environments"
Marc Kenton (Creare, Inc.)
For efficient operation, the rotor tip speed of a turbomolecular
pump must be significant compared to the molecular speed of
the gas species being pumped. For a miniaturized pump, this
requirement inevitably leads to very high rotational speeds,
which can compromise bearing life and the pump's ability to
withstand shock and vibration. Under NASA sponsorship, Creare
is developing two pumps to meet these challenges. The current
efforts leverage technology developed in an earlier NASA-funded
project. The earlier turbomolecular pump has a diameter of 4.6
cm, a length of 11 cm, a mass less than 400 grams, a measured
compression ratio for nitrogen greater than 1,000,000 and a
measured pumping speed of 4.5 L/s. Power consumption is about
1 Watt at discharge pressures of 10 mTorr or less. Successful
operation of this pump was demonstrated for several months running
with a rotational rate of 100,000 rpm. The ruggedized pump being
developed in one of the current programs is similar in size
and pumping speed to the earlier pump, but it incorporates a
unique motor design to achieve a very high resistance to shock
and vibration. In a second effort, an ultra-miniaturized pump
is being built that is approximately the size of a C-cell battery
and has a pumping speed of 1.5 L/s at 200,000 rpm. Both of these
pumps incorporate a molecular drag stage to achieve discharge
pressures of a few Torr Further, as part of the development
programs, both will be mated with rough pumps to form complete,
miniaturized, vacuum systems for portable instruments such as
mass spectrometers. This paper will summarize the advantages
and challenges of miniaturized turbomolecular pumps and the
experimental program employed to confirm the designs. Possible
applications for the pumps will also be discussed.
"Miniature Turbo-molecular Pump"
Rob Rowan, Mark Johnson (Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies)
Phoenix Analysis and Design Technologies (PADT) is developing
a miniature Turbo-Molecular Pump (TMP) for space and terrestrial
applications. The pump is intended for applications requiring
10 l/s or less pumping speed where cost, weight, and power consumption
are of high importance. The baseline specifications for the
pump are: weight = 200gm, power consumption ~ 5 W, ultimate
pressure = 10-6 Torr at 10 l/s, and MTBO = 10000 hours. This
technology employs a number of novel concepts, which enable
low-cost rotor manufacturing, very high drive efficiency, and
an adjustable flow path. This adjustable flow path allows PADT
to deliver custom machines designed to balance trade-offs between
pumping speed, life, and ultimate pressure depending on application
requirements. PADT is now in the late stages of prototype development
and is forecasting first prototype delivery to NASA in mid 2002.
"KSC Miniature, Rugged Mass Spectrometer
Applications and Development Progress" Frederick Adams,
Duke Follistein (NASA/Kennedy Space Center); Richard Arkin,
Tim Griffin (Dynacs, Kennedy Space Center)
Two goals are of interest to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC).
The first is to install mass spectrometers close to the T0 disconnect
umbilicals (Shuttle) to eliminate the delay in getting the sample.
These would have to operate and supply reliable concentration
data during main-engine pressurization and the first six seconds
of main-engine operation just prior to liftoff. The second is
to be sufficiently rugged to supply gas concentration data during
lift-off and ascent to orbit while the vehicle is still within
the atmosphere. The goal is to disable a leaking component of
the propulsion system during flight or prevent lift-off if the
leak occurs during main engine pressurization. A secondary goal
related to the second issue is to be able to gather gas concentration
data for second-generation (flying 10 years in the future) and
third-generation (25 years in the future) test vehicles. KSC
will require rugged mass analyzers made from small, reliable
components that can be integrated into a usable sensor (ionizers,
mass filters and detectors). We will require small, rugged,
reliable high-vacuum pumps with adequate compression for both
hydrogen and helium (slightly less than for nitrogen and oxygen).
Sample delivery hardware requires miniature or microscopic pressure
regulators (absolute/ balanced against vacuum as opposed to
atmospheric pressure) and flow controllers to switch and feed
sample and calibration gas mixtures to the gas analyzer. These
require low dead or un-swept volume to minimize calibration
gas and increase speed. Miniature or micro-miniature valves
and manifolds are required for sample and calibration gas selection.
Techniques for welding micro-miniature tubing in small sizes
and tight spaces or otherwise fabricating miniature gas transport
and switching functions into manifolds are necessary. Point
sensors for hydrogen and oxygen are needed for incorporation
into a dedicated vehicle health monitoring system that are small
in size, require low power that can be distributed about a vehicle
propulsion system to identify leak locations quickly Development
in work consists of miniature turbo-molecular pump development,
a time-of-flight instrument to reduce size and mass, fiber-optic
point sensors for hydrogen and oxygen, chemical point sensors
for hydrogen and oxygen, solid state ionizers to use physical
mechanisms to generate free electrons to eliminate thermionic
emission based ionizers. Areas where JPL might help are development
of miniature, high-efficiency ruggedized ion engines to enhance
the performance of miniature turbo-molecular pumps. Analysis
of vibration effects to estimate the increase in limits of detection
as a function of mechanical vibration would be useful to us
"Miniature Peristaltic Vacuum
Pump with Magnetic Actuation"
Sabrina Feldman, Danielle Svehla (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
An increasing number of portable scientific instruments require
a means of producing a vacuum of several mTorr or less. However,
commercially available vacuum pumps which provide a lower pressure
limit of ~ 1 mTorr and are capable of venting to atmosphere
have sizes, masses, and power consumptions incompatible with
portable applications. We are developing a novel miniature peristaltic
vacuum pump which uses magnetically-actuated pump chambers to
control gas flow. Our estimates of pump parameters and calculations
of the expected pump performance indicate that if we are successful,
this pump will provide new capabilities for portable instrumentation
and will also be suitable for use in extreme environments such
as those encountered in space and planetary exploration. Pump
description: The pump body will consist of multi-staged pump
chambers manufactured in silicone rubber enclosed within aluminum
housing. Permanent magnets will be mounted in a fixed position
above the pump chambers as well as on a rotating wheel below
the chambers. We estimate a total pump mass of ~ 0.2 kg, a volume
of ~ 1"x2"x2", a power consumption of ~ 5 W, and a lower pressure
limit of several mTorr. The calculated mass and power consumption
are an order of magnitude lower than those of the smallest currently
available portable vacuum pump. In addition, our pump design
offers the following desirable features: very low dead volume,
robust oil-free design, low cost fabrication through mold replication
of the pump body, and ease of multi-staging. Applications: Many
widely used scientific instruments require a means of producing
a vacuum with pressures in the sub-Torr range. Such instruments
include secondary ion mass spectrometers, laser ablation mass
spectrometers, cooled infrared sensing detectors, microwave
spectrometers using Stark cells, instruments containing unsealed
low-pressure lasers, instruments containing ion or electron
sources, trace gas concentration systems, leak detectors, scanning
electron microscopes, etc. In particular, instruments which
involve charged particle generation or detection typically require
vacuum operation. Portable applications of these instruments,
including field analysis, environmental monitoring, and use
in outer space, require minimizing the size, mass, and power
consumption of components in order to increase the instrument's
portability and utility.
"Development of a Miniature Lightweight Ion Pump"
Mahadeva Sinha (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
A miniature ion pump is being developed in our laboratory.
In the design of the pump, its outer shell (pump housing) is
made of titanium which also works as the pumping element. Argon
stability is achieved by placing pin electrodes in the cylindrical
anodes of the pump. The mass of the magnet for the ion pump
is reduced by using rare earth magnet material, and high permeability
alloy for the yoke. The pump has been fabricated and its performance
is presently being measured. The details of the pump design
and the results of the performance measurements will be presented.